Children from Belgrade international schools, together with their teachers, are in the visit to the Royal Palace today and the following two days. This educational and joyful visit is a part of the “Children Helping Children” charity campaign traditionally organized by Crown Princess Katherine Foundation for the forthcoming Christmas holidays.

The students from the Russian School, British International School of Belgrade (primary and secondary schools), Chartwell International School, Grammar school Milena Pavlovic Barili, Primary School Montesori, The International School of Belgrade – Lower School, Deutche Schule Belgrade are having the opportunity to listen to the professional tour guide who is telling them interesting facts about the history of the Palace and the works of art that adorn it, as part of the Royal Compound tour. The students have a chance to share the spirit of charity by donating gifts to their peers from Serbian orphanages. The idea is that the children learn about charitable activities and how to help their peers from homes for children without parental care, children with disabilities and Roma children.

The gifts that the students generously donated to their friends will be presented at the traditional Christmas receptions that Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine will organize at the White Palace on January 5th.

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine greeted the children and talked to them about the importance of giving, emphasizing that they are proud of them, because even being so young, they have awareness and compassion to help their peers and make their holidays great with many different types of toys, stressing that this compassion is a prerequisite to become good people when they grow up.

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