Lifeline Humanitarian Organization, Inc. of Chicago, under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine, had a very successful year. During their last mission trip during May 2017, they managed to visit several schools, orphanages and institutions that need help in Serbia and Republika Srpska and during the last couple of months, Lifeline Chicago together with generous supporters completed four very important projects.
At the psychiatric hospital in Kovin, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine made an official visit on Tuesday, 14 November to show everyone its new look. Besides other reparations, 38 windows and entrance doors were replaced and 4 bathrooms on the ground floor and first floor of the hospital were refurbished. This amazing project valued at $90,000 US dollars was funded by Lifeline Chicago’s largest single contributor, The John and Mildred Medic Wuchenich Foundation.
More efforts of their activities are visible in three primary schools. An entire new heating system was installed in the “Jovan Ducic” primary school in the village of Pucile, municipality of Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This project’s value is $8,500 and the sponsor is the estate of the late Abbess Mother Ana Radetic.
Also, the reconstruction of the kitchen and dining room, as well as the purchase of dining tables and chairs was completed at the “Ivo Andric” primary school in Pranjani near Gornji Milanovac. The value of this project is $18,500 and the sponsor is Lifeline’s Pittsburgh Tri State Committee who have worked with the Chicago office for more than five years.
Finally, the “6th October” Primary School for children with disabilities in Kikinda, Vojvodina, got a new facade, windows and doors, wheelchair ramp and Tactile Walking Surface Indicators for blind and visually impaired children. The sponsor of this donation again is the Pittsburgh Tri State Area Committee thanks to the amazing generosity of Mrs. Margaret McCartan. The value of the project is $22,500.
Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine expressed her appreciation to Lifeline Chicago for helping on behalf of all those in need and who benefit from these projects. Her Highness also thanked them for again supporting the children’s Christmas children’s reception scheduled for Thursday, 4 January at the White Palace.
“We are honored to be a part of every one of these efforts and projects in the name of Her Highness Princess Katherine,” said Mrs. Sandi Radoja, President of Lifeline Chicago. “Whether it’s a school, a hospital, a wheelchair or a simple toy, we know how much every single thing means. Our role is small. It’s the donors who make this possible and to them we are forever grateful.”