Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine’s Foundation, in the presence of Mr Robert Lukic, CEO of Toyota Srbija, has delivered  a vehicle TOYOTA VERSO 2.2 D-CAT to Cacak General Hospital, worth 10,000 Euros for the transport of patients from Cacak and the surrounding area for chemotherapy and dialysis to the hospital as well as other needs of the hospital.

“My last visit to this hospital was only a month ago, when I delivered medical equipment to this hospital worth 40,000 Euros. Then I found out about the urgent need for this vehicle. Thanks to Mr. Lukic, CEO of Toyota Srbija, who was willing to help my Foundation, we reacted very quickly and I am pleased to be able to deliver this valuable donation that will be used for transport of patients from Cacak and the surrounding area for dialysis to the hospital. This is a good example how joint efforts can have big impact” – said HRH Crown Princess Katherine in her speech.

Mr. Lukic, CEO from Toyota Srbija said in his address: “As a socially responsible company whose global initiative is “Mobility for All”, we are pleased to accept the invitation of HRH Crown Princess Katherine for donation to a hospital in Cacak. We appreciate very much about Foundation’s efforts to help our citizens and hope that we’ll be able to assist also in the future”.

The delivery of this donation was also attended by Mrs Marushka Topalovic, businesswoman from Cacak and Mrs Beatrice Grozdanic.

It was jointly stated that the contribution of HRH Crown Princess Catherine and her Foundation to the Cacak General Hospital has been enormous, and that the cooperation needs to continue in the future.

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