Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine visited children’s hospitals today, as she has been doing every year, to embellish the upcoming Easter holidays for children with toys and sweets. Crown Princess visited children in the Children’s Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases “Dr Dragisa Misovic“ and in the Clinical-Hospital Center Zvezdara and handed over them the Easter gifts which were generously donated by Lifeline Chicago Humanitarian Organization whose patron is Crown Princess Katherine, as well as by the “Fisher-Price” brand.

Her Royal Highness was accompanied by her sister Mrs. Betty Roumeliotis and her guests, the great philanthropists from broad – Mrs. and Mr. Van Kessler, Mrs. Nan Ellen Nelson, Mrs. Suzanne Avery and Mrs. Andrea Vicic who helped with the organization and gifts for the Easter reception at the White Palace the previous day, Mrs. Daniela Celikovic and Mr. Jugoslav Celikovic.

“I am the happiest when my Foundation and I bring joy to the children at the time of the greatest Christian Holiday, Easter. Today’s donation was made possible with the help of Lifeline Chicago and other good people. I wish a lot of happiness and love to all the doctors, nurses and children. Happy Easter!“, said HRH Crown Princess Katherine.

HRH Crown Princess Katherine thanked Lifeline Chicago humanitarian organization whose patron she is, as well as to “Fisher and price” and all other who helped in providing the toys for the children.

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